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What is this stump for? It gave me an exclamation mark but nothing happens
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At night, if you interact with it...just do it you'll see and make sure to have your sound on!

im confused, it sounds like a fart then he says gah nooo. tf does that mean

just a joke I think, I laughed...


minor thing, but why does the "more information" tab on the page say "released" when it's really "in development"?

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Anybody got tips or a video of a walkthrough of the mary jane quest , mostly the trying to not get caught part. i keep getting caught

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Please make a walkthrough I'm stuck at 82%

I'm stuck at 90%. I have done Melissa, Amy, Rhonda, Tess, Traci, Alyssa, Erika, Asuka, and Mary. I found the cavemen, did the cemetery Halloween event (not the school Halloween event, do not know how to trigger it), found the ancient box, and put the skull on the hospital. If anyone can help i would appreciate it.

Hey bro where did you find papa (death by snu-snu)


The desert,  I believe he is on the right side of the map close to the border, ( I'm afraid I can not be more specific as I did the quest awhile ago), not sure if time of day is a factor, but I'm pretty sure I did it morning or afternoon. 

(1 edit)

I found him just after asking about it 😅 but thanks and also I am done 98% I am just left with searching the goddamn artifacts for the museum. Every time I find a duplicate. Lemme see what you are missing so you can complete it as well.

Could you send an SS of your objectives so I can compare? 

Deleted 3 years ago

i believe what u r missing are the side quests:

Jingle bells

Light my fire

Gnome regrets



Log out

I will post what I know about them quests from what I read. 


is anyone having trouble lighting up the skulls on the mission Skull Halloween? Whenever I pass by them, they light up, but the game doesn’t register me lighting them up. Help please?

So, I was able to get to the desert. What do I do here after all the stuff with the family (I did all the moonshine/scenes)

I also did the pyote. Is there anything else here?

there is the cave men quest that is behind an wall and the whole thing with the shovel and finding fossils

I have the quest where i have to somehow repair our car, but is it possible to get the battery without buying it? O.O 

Yes, when Red car is in the school parking lot, you can take his battery. Though, I think you need the wrench for it but I'm not sure

Ouh, thanksss now i know, but i just farmed and worked to get the money to just buy it, but still thanks for the help ^^ now I have 98% and I'm doing the bad to the bone quest with the fossils in hope that i then will have 100% xD

(1 edit)

Is there's any mission after red got you inside a crypt?

I'm not completely sure but were you already in the snow thingy? if yes then just try to do the 100% an then there is something special in the crypt 


How do i get to desert my bus does not have the stop but i have the quest winner and sinner

Talk to the Big girl that lives in your house and It will work after some quests ^^

What do I do with the ancient chest? Said something about taking it home but can't seem to do anything with it.

as soon as I was in my room something happend O.O 

What happened?

When you find this wierd chest, he says something about "I shoul look at it in my room" then all you have to do is go in your room and something happens ^^ but i don't wanna say what happens so i don't spoiler it 


I am atm at 98% completion which proves that this game is very good. Somtimes you have to explore a bit (or change the time of day) other times you have to complete a hard minigame to progress very satisfying gameplay loop.

Anyway looking forward to the next Update Guys. You really did an amazing job with this game most likely the best video game i have played this year. Keep up the good work.

Bug ?, I can't find Melissa anywhere, I'm on v 0.5.7, help


Can there be some gay stuff in it?


Wtf is wrong with desert car minigame? Can u even win?

Deleted 2 years ago

Iam always out of life or fuel you can say. Never get bumped by a cop car nor any other car neither the barricades. 


Iam having the same problem ... always out of fuel .

where i can find the shovel?

If you meet the alien in your bedroom she will give you the quest to find cutthroat(at the hospital at night)  then he will give you a quest to go to the quest to save your dad then after that day you and your landlady sisters farm..  There you would have access both the ranch and the desert which is at the very top of the ranch

Thanks 👍

(2 edits) (+1)

I like the look of this game, but I can't seem to get it running.  I think I have everything required.  Windows 7, 1.5 gb RAM, OpenGL 2.1.  

I download it, open it with winzip, extract it and immediately after I try to run the .exe it says "Dandy.exe has stopped working".  I've tried running compatibility modes, running as admin, etc.  I've even tried downloading it from game jolt, to no avail.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Is anyone else having this problem?

(2 edits) (+2)(-2)

I found this place in the desert what has to be done?

Have you any idea what to do??

How do I complete this quest?

You can find the Peyote on the left side of the desert

thank you


Where's the save file?

The game is amazing i am having so much fun with i really want to know what music plays in the running track


where is the save file located on android?


little note to the  game developer...making a game unfair isn't making it hard *hint* race track minigame *hint* Honestly, love the game, just hate the minigames, or at least that one with a dying passion. Even with the bought XXX it's still unfair.

skill issue


how can i get the fossils for the mission "bad to the bone"?

you need to do some quests in the desert and at some point you're going to have the shovel to dig them out ^^ 

¿Cómo encuentro el peyote y avanzo más en la relación con mis primos y tía? o amigos de la familia?

To everybody who hates the sokoban as much as me and struggle with Warehouse puzzles: there exist sokoban solvers. With some effort in redrawing the levels you'll be able to find solutions to all the puzzles.

the game file gets corrupted right after downloading how do I fix it?

How to do the X-files mission, i cant find him anywhere, even in the hospital where the arrow tells me to go, there is nothing



Thank a lot, i have searched for him for a while but i didnt look areound the building because the arrow showed to go IN the building 


I know it's a weird suggestion, but would be fun if you could make a bisexual and gay trail too. Could be just one of each, but would be amazing.

Could you tell me the location of the 5 vouchers please I have 4 but I am missing one that is not from the games I already have

mini-games 3 behind the building 1 collect candy 1 total 5


Digging mini game.  Power mini game.  Pick a box mini game

Can someone tell me the location of all the vauchers in the cemetery, I already found two of the games, one of the 38 sweets and one that was behind a grave but I am missing one

Where to get the bloody shovel?

Continue the main quests until the landlady takes you to the ranch. You'll get the shovel from Skyler on the ranch by completing more of the main quests there

Ive got a weird bug when i load up the game theres green bars across the screen, not sure why or fix


Will this game have Pregnancy?

can someone tell me where to find the cave for Five Fingers Discount quest??

Right beside the store behind the tree you will find a hidden cave

Deleted 4 years ago

Can someone help me with the Fun Gus? I found a big mushroom but I cant get it


You are not able to get the big need to find all the yellow and brown mushrooms which are hidden throughout the lake some may even be hiding behind trees

Thank you, I found the yellow mushroom


Can you tell me where it is please

Please can you fix the modile app version you can't do most of the mini games mainly the box mission you can't move the boxes properly

last night,in my dream...i thought oni release 0.5.8 but it ws just a dream,right???


You can also find a hidden cave in the desert..there you will find a cavewoman called Snu Snu

Deleted 3 years ago

*hint* it's somewhere in the left side of the desert.....

i found it and completed 100% of the game. Gotta say this game easily is one of my top 10


Where is it??

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