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is it me or did his hair go from Red to Brown????

It did. They changed it a little bit after they released 6.5.1.


what is the new update

(1 edit) (-3)

very cool the halloween update but frick you. i just ended the game by mistake while i was thinking finding the ghost girl and now i can't go back to discover the ghosts story so yeah

update: i just redo the game. its was cooool, love you, keep make game and very hype for the steam relase


It would be good if the game had more things to do like buying a house or a car, it would be great for women to have more positions and more events too and the teacher could have more things to do with her.

100% Walkthrough:


statues fucking at 6:30 and bush at 10:10 goes crazyyyy


i finished the whole thing except i cant get the card on the gas station should i wait for asuka to finish peeing?


How do I get a letter from a gas station?


Weird completion at 95/100.

I Done all the quests and get all the card too including the one in the gas station.

Are there secret easter egg or something?


may I ask where is the Card 038? I am just this card left for 100%


In Room 205, open all of the lockers, close them, then open the middle again, I'm pretty sure.


thank you!


Ohhh, will do.


Ohhh, will do.


Where do you get the blood key from?


may I ask where is the Card 038?

Deleted 352 days ago

Where is the ligterr


1. Lighter Fuel - Manor Dining Room, connect the naked man statue to naked woman statue

2. Empty Lighter - Manor Crypt, bottom left bottom (Mysterious Key required)


Is the game at 100%? Or are there still missing updates?

As you can see by the version the game is in, I think we still can expect more to come.

how to do strange looking key quest?

(1 edit) (+3)

1 Push this bookshelf in Manor Living Room and enter the hidden entrance

2. Open the door in Secret Stairwell

Where is the stairwell?


enter the hidden entrance

(1 edit)

may i know on the mission night of the tentacles, where can i find something sharp?

sure thing, pick up the axe next to the lockers in Room 205 (Master Key required)


thankyou ernest i might comment and ask something again🤗

sure np

Where can I find clothes for Tress and Trev?


1. skeletons chained to the wall (when they're still in the dungeon)

2. on a sofa on the 3rd floor (when they're in the Safe Room)

(2 edits) (+4)

All 5 Keys Location

1 Master Key

Location: Rooftop (Ladder required, solve The Seven Deadly Sins puzzle in Manor Attic)

Unlocks: Room 201 till 206 except Room 204

2 Omnious Key


1. After completing "Damsel In Distess", go to Manor Dining Room, wait for the blue key to appear, 

2. Then, go behind the manor and pick up.

Unlocks: Manor Dungeon (push the bookshelf in Manor Living Room to reveal the entrance to Secret Stairwell)

3 Blood Key

Location: Manor Frontyard (behind the forest gates, top right corner)

Unlocks: Maze Entrance (Gasstop)

4 Bone Key

Location: Manor Main Hall - Automatically available after completing "Shining In The Darkness" quest, the man statue

Unlocks: Manor Attic (access from Manor Upstairs)

5 Mysterious Key

Location: Manor Upstairs - push glass display cases right to left

Unlocks: Manor Crypt

How did you open the window that is shut for damsel quest?


go to the Rooftop, then jump down and land on here


thanks king

how to do strange looking key quest?

Where’s the Omnious Key ??

Im stuck on investigate what happened to guillerette 

where bloody key?


Manor Courtyard, behind the gates, you can go through a broken fence. It's at the top right corner

bru i cant see no broken fence



   Done everything and im sitting at 90%. Even the blood key and ticket on the "ASS" Station. Help


someone help me with this 🥲

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

(press the buttons according to the sequence)

1 Pride - pompous man

2 Greed - four skeletons playing cards and smoking cigars with a pile of money on the table

3 Lust - beautiful red head. She kinda reminds me of someone...

4 Envy - two women, one with small breasts and one with large breasts

5 Gluttony - an obese man with a bunch of food scattered around

6 Wrath - a man screaming

7 Sloth - a man resting while the others are cleaning the stables

So the game is at 100% or I still need to add more content

Where is asuka bro

go to the back of the gas station but you go to the left way


Where can I find the Bloody Key?

i miss the pink hair

E conseguido el 100% y no me sale la estrella exagonal, ¿alguien tiene la solucion?

where can i use the Omnious Ke

push around some book cases in the study (fireplace room)


where did you find the Omnious Key ??

Alguem me ajuda a encontrar a garota fantasma por favor

Hello fellow h-gamers, im struggling to find asuka, ominous key and at the damsel in distress im struggling to find a way to open the window, it seems to be shut? 

Help would be appreciated!

do u have the boney key yet? its at the statue in the main room. go to the third floor and do the sds puzzle (first read the little plaque, and match the sins and pictures by pressing the buttons in the order they were said on the plaque thing.

hey! Thanks for the help, yeah the boneykey i already had found it. 

I will do the puzzle, thanks for the tip on that! 

Did ya have the clue for asuka?

iirc after you finish the puzzle you will automatically see her... as for the resulting quest from it first you will need to find the master key and check out some previously blocked rooms... past that i have no clue.

Onde eu encontro a pista para encontrar a garota fantasma ?

Wait... WHAT?! Man, i just check this 3 days ago, just for be sured, but i check this now and see this?! 


Is there a way to transfer the game from the previous version to this one?

guys where asuko and the aminos key ?

Yeah gonna need some help on this aswell, also the window for damsel in distress is shut, so cant acces...

how to do strange looking key quest?

did you find?


did you find?



Stuck in this part i looked everywhere but I cant find her.

(*on this part)

I already checked the Gas Station with the bloody Key but there is only a Card 

For anyone else trying to find this part.. Madame is in this Window.

... How do you even get up there?

bloody key?where is?

behind the fence behind the house i think


Finally i got %100


how you find a clue to find ghost girl??

how please explain how to get to the final part 95% need help

gas shop top card

where did u find asuko ?

 Im at 95. Ive done everything what did i miss?  Im at 95. Ive done everything what did i miss?

gas shop top card

already got it. 

how to do strange looking key quest?

may I ask where is Card 038?


How i find a clue to find ghost girl??

90% compl. Pls


where to find the clue?

Deleted 1 year ago
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