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is there any way to use 0.57 save for 0.6 version?


Anyone know how to get the final voucher in this shitty game, i win this game for 20 times but still can't get the final voucher

(5 edits)

you can play any of the games for vouchers

play the "money making game"  or play the digging game

It's behind the house

any game even if you have to get money from a loan shark the game doesn't penalise you for it

Has anyone finished Traci storyline? She is supposed to appear in the library to study but she never appears. I already went there all the days of the week. Is it bugged? Right now I'm at 90% quest completion rate and I guess I'm missing only hers (and the fossil digging one)

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if you are talking about version 0.5.7 then yea, I've completed it.

Did you check during different times of day? I dont remember the specifics 

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for that quest you gotta go at morning

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I think my game broke. I was supposed to meet Tracy at library, but she never shows up, I finished the quest "last supper" too, but i never again meet Rex, and i have no more quests to do.

Ok, idk if it's intended or not, but i could only advance on school quests on Thursdays only, thats the only moment when there was someone to talk to in the morning

mark don't have tent and battery

they are in the shopping center

you need to get the wrench and steal the battery in reds car,but the tent i dont know im stuck too

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you buy the tent at the mall. the store should be called hikers delight. just found out.

thx bro,damn Task Tips  It's still old.

So i was playing on the linux download everything was great up until the camping quest, whenever i go to the mart for the tent its literally just not there.

you but the tent at the mall. the store should be called hikers delight. idk why it tells us to go to the mart.

Yeah I figured that out but thank you :)

Deleted 2 years ago
(2 edits)

look at the map in desert

theres a conspicuous arrangement of stones and directly south-eastish of that is where the peyote is

I can't seem to do anything during the camping quest with tress and dex and the other guy, after I get to the campsite I can't do anything but talk to everyone and can't leave or sleep. What do I do?

keep talking


how do i transfer save files from the previous ver. to the new one?

Hơ to get the gasoline in the blackout quest?

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Just gotta parkour from bottom left box to center box then 2nd level


What did the new update add to the game?

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My best run in monster castle (so far) Score: 476 Time: ~1:29

can you beat it(and collect the 3 girls)? 

when  i open the game nothing appears pls help me

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I'm having the same issue... it's frustrating, especially after the long wait...

Are you using the Windows version like I am?

Working on windows for me

Yes, i try to open in the admin mode but is the same :/

How do I get sex scenes with Sunny besides the Amy quests. Also is there anything to do in the desert besides fossils? And what does the ??? do in the cheat menu?


Does anyone know how to get a save from the previous version of the game. When I downloaded it, my save was not there

There is no tent in shopsmart, i try to talk to  the clerk but i cant find it, is that a bug? 

same for me (android)

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you buy the tent at the mall. the store should be called hikers delight.

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you buy the tent at the mall. the store should be called hikers delight.

Can you make a video on how to buy it? pls


Does anyone know how to get a save from the previous version of the game. I really love this game and wanna continue playing it, but not to the point I'd replay everything just to get to the new content. Any help is appreciated!

(3 edits)

There's no way to do it
saves and gallery file on pc are located in AppData\Roaming\Skullgear 

The Gallery carries over but the saves are outdated

At least you know what to do now and you can speedrun through

Deleted 2 years ago
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cant download 0.6 😢


I guess it's impossible for me to get rid of the ban in discord, I was really enjoying the game, just for asking a question..

Oh so sad

(1 edit) (+1)

Overall very fun, buuuut: running day 3 is god damn infuriating! I finally beat it, but it took trying again another day… probably nearly a hundred attempts in total, and I barely scraped by with the 'vitamins'

(1 edit) (+1)

How do I make the update without losing all my progression ?


U got the update my phone whont let me download it I got the 5.7 one but 6.0 no its sad 😞

Deleted post

I can't download the new update 6.0 how come?

I can't find MS.B(TEACHER) handbag

 (mission: white knight)


The handbag is in the 'Hikers Delight' store in the mall. 


In the shopping mall. You can find the mall pretty easily when you flick through the bus stops.

i found it at the top of the stairs on the far bench

I guess the location is random then?

Why did Red buried us in the cemetery?

You're dead meat pal!

I can't find web to guide me to do some mission do you  guy have web guide  do the mission  if you guy have give it to  me  pls TvT 

Deleted 3 years ago

He's at the dead village in the evening/night

how go to the desert ?


Oke thank bro but could you help me about class mission pls :?

What's the class mission? 

Oh i have done it

OK so. This game ain't for android. I somehoowwww managed to finish all the racing quests and I spent half hour for second quest where u gotta drive the car. But third one is impossible for phone. Car moves slow and it's impossible to avoid anything or get enough fuel since game is designed for pc.

nah mate I completed 3rd race with phone


I did too bruh

By trying and failing. A lot. Ok, ok, i know, a lot is an understatment. But that still doesn't mean its impossible.

Does anyone have any advise, im stuck on blackout. I dont see any boxes i can move to get to the second level.

Is that a warehouse job level?

no its towards the end you go on a trip to the mountains and need gasoline for a generator

you dont move any boxes
you just have to jump 

parcore from bottom left to middle to bottom right to middle to top left


for Traci, I have to do something about her getting caught trying to cheat but I cant find anything to do

If you go to the computer lab your teacher will say she keeps the answers in her desk

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I meant after that she got caught again and asked us to do something about it but I cant find what to do

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I think you have to visit her at school again 
somewhere in the hall or in the bathroom
and that will begin the next part

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thanks man, it worked but after that I cant find a way to do her story again

There is guide of every quest in wiki

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I was on 98% on my Android phone but uninstalled the game by mistake..... How can i get back my progress???

You cant

Where I can buy the tent? I can't find it at the shopsmart

At the store, talk to the clerk

they changed it, you buy the tent at the mall. the store should be called hikers delight.

I'm stuck at the desert. i'm done all the quests and done the party, the two girls are now in house all day. I've found Mama and Papa but Idk how to return to the city or continue

bus stop near the house

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How do I take it?

Edit: found out 

When is the next update

I'm stuck in the big cave for the mission ''last supper''... how can i reach the key ??

You have to jump around the edge of the cave towards the to of the map


Where is Deep Throat?

by the hospital at either evening or night, i dont remember which

night hes at the right side of the hospital even tho it says front

Where can I find the peyote?

cave in desert

Anyone know where the save files are in android?

I cant find boys wit beer, where are they?

look for a cave behind the three near the shop

Can I ask when version 0.6 will be available?

Monday, supposedly.

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